Initial thoughts for the classes 12ABC and 13ABC

Initial thoughts for the classes 12ABC:

  1. I hope to record another class in transit, either on the way home or possibly at the airport on the way to the Middle East.  The timing on when that happens and the availability of a solid internet connection will affect which session this takes place in.
  2. One of the sessions will be a time for you guys to intercede for this trip and breakthrough in this part of the world, as well as prayer backing for my family — thank you in advance.
  3. I hope to get some recordings of some of the worship time while we are there, which I also hope to be able to upload for you guys to join in for prayer and worship during another class session.

As we proceed, there are several other ideas that I also have for some of these interim classes, as well as a hope that I may be able to do some recording while I’m gone, but that sometimes simply does not work out as I might hope, so I will try to work on that from both angles.  I will keep you informed as plans form for these and 13ABC.

Also, keep in mind that this is, in a sense, very much the kind of lifestyle that we have seen in the life of Timothy itself. 🙂  There are times when we have to adjust, times we have to step up our responsibility, and times that ministry trips turn into a different kind of learning experience.  Thank you all for your patience — and know that my heart is with you guys even if I’m less available.

For the King and His Kingdom,

Class 11BC

Hello, guys, this is going to be the first of a series of classes breaking away from our normal pattern.  I mentioned before that we will do a few different things over this next few weeks while I’m traveling more.  I heard you enjoyed the one while we were driving — hoping so.  I’ll keep putting the plans in place for the next few sessions as I’m able.  Please know that I would love to do “normal” classes right now, but this will also be a valuable and growing experience for us all nonetheless.

So, for sessions 11B and 11C, this is the plan:

I have a film linked for you to watch that you can download (or possibly watch online) from this link (Same password as normal):

Its called “A Polite Bribe”, and deals with an author’s theory of how the Collection for the saints in Jerusalem figured into the Apostle Paul’s plan and how it was received or not, etc.  I do not agree with every conclusion of those that made the film, but in my opinion there are a few redeeming values for our purposes:

  1. Some major NT scholars are consulted throughout the film
  2. It brings to the forefront an issue that is commonly very much in the background
  3. It is thought-provoking
  4. And, it presents certain aspects in an imbalanced way, which, although not ideal in itself, can be helpful for growth and critical thinking (in the good sense).

So, your assignment between these two sessions is to:

  1. Watch the film.  It should take all of one session and part of the other one.
  2. Note aspects of the film that are either points of agreement, points of concern/disagreement, and points that are thought-provoking.
  3. In the remaining class time, discuss your thoughts and notes.  Make sure you have some of your thoughts together in a form that is ready for discussion in a future class session.
  4. Enjoy the process.